Name: | Glanford
IMO number: | 8205383
Type: | Trailing suction hopper dredger
Owner: | Gidrostroy
Built by: | De Liesbosch
Year: | 1982
Total installed power: | 2.471 | kW
Hopper capacity: | 1.500 | m3
Loading capacity: | 1.876 | ton
Length o.a.: | 79,5 | m
Length b.p.: | 74,9 | m
Breadth: | 14,3 | m
Draught: | 4,4 | m
Speed: | 11,5 | kn
Suction pipe: | 1 x 527 | mm
Dredging depth: | 16,0 | m
- | Built under the name Liesbosch in 1982.
- | Renamed Hardinxveld in 1986.
- | Renamed Ronceray in 1995.
- | Widened from 11,9 to 14,3 m by Arno Dunkerque in 1995.
- | Renamed Glanford in 2013.