Maritime Authorities and Corporations

International Seabed Authority
Brisbane - Port of Brisbane Corporation
Mackay Port Authority
Melbourne - Port of Melbourne
Pilbara Ports Authority
Port Kembla Port Corporation
Sydney Ports Corporation
Afdeling Maritieme Toegang - Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeemschap
Antwerp - Port of Antwerp
Antwerp - Shipping and Signalling Services (S. and S.S.)
Zeebrugge - Port of Zeebrugge
Zeebrugge - Maatschappij van de Brugse Zeevaartinrichtingen (MBZ)
Zeebrugge Electronic Data Interchange Services
Santos - Porto de Santos Autoridade Portuaria
Kystdirektorat - Danish Coastal Authority
Liikennevirasto - Finnish Transport Agency
Bundesamt fur Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie
Dredging Strategies in Germany
Kiel Canal / Nord-Ostsee Kanal
Wasser- und Schiffartsverwaltung des Bundes
Hong Kong
Marine Department of the Government of Hong Kong
Secretaria de Marina - Armada de Mexico
Netherlands, the
Gemeentewerken Rotterdam
Panama Canal Authority
South Africa
National Ports Authority of South Africa
United States of America
New York - New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program
United States Army Corps of Engineers
United States Army Corps of Engineers, North Atlantic Division
United States Army Corps of Engineers, New York District
United States Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory
United States Army Corps of Engineers, Dredging Operations Techical Support Program
United States Army Corps of Engineers, Research and Development Center
US Environmental Protection Agency